Domestic Adoption Services

Newborn adopted baby and quote about the Adoption Triad, Adoption Home Studies of Colorado

Private Infant Adoptions in the U.S.

Considering a private infant adoption in the US? Domestic adoptions may be arranged independently or through private adoption agencies depending on the state in which the prospective adoptive parents reside. Adopting a child is an intensely personal and significant choice, carrying lifelong consequences for everyone involved. Ensuring the adoption process is guided by strong and fitting laws and policies is crucial to prioritize the well-being of children and their parents above all else. Colorado is known as an “agency state” meaning all adoption services must be completed by a licensed adoption agency both in Colorado and out of state.  Adoption Home Studies of Colorado (AHSCO), is licensed since 2007 to provide home study and domestic adoption services in Colorado.

It is important to note that domestic adoption is complex because each state, county, and territory in the US has separate and different laws governing adoption. For this reason, it is important to hire qualified, experienced adoption and legal experts who will assist you with navigating the complexities of your adoption in your state of residence and the state where the child is placed and adopted. 

Adoption Home Studies of Colorado (AHSC) invites you to choose us as your Colorado adoption partner.  AHSC provides the services that are required under Colorado law to assist families interested in domestic adoption, specifically the home study, pre-adoption education and post placement services.  We do not provide placement services (meaning locating and matching you to an expectant mother and her child to adopt). Instead, AHSC offers you the flexibility to work nationally with any licensed placing agency or attorney who meets legal requirements, of your choice. This allows you to spread your search for a child much broader than just Colorado, often greatly reducing the time it takes to welcome a child into your home and giving you and your child's birth mother more options. Cute little boy learning adoption laws Adoption Home Studies of Colorado

We offer a list of agencies and attorneys recommended by our clients, or you choose your own.  We will gladly work with you and the licensed agency of your choice to ensure you meet Colorado requirements.

Adoption Home Studies of Colorado's domestic adoption program services include:
• Domestic Home Study assessment
• Pre-adoption training and education
• Pre-placement coordination includes certification for foster home and liability of the child while in foster to adopt placement, and all the coordination with your placement agency and/or attorney, ICPC assistance, consultation, support, and licensure requirements.
• Post Placement Services for six months or until your adoption is finalized.

We can assist with finaliztion in Colorado or recommend adoption-competent attorneys. 

We know that the adoption process may seem overwhelming, complex and confusing at times. The good news is that you don't have to figure it out yourself -- a good caring and competent agency like Adoption Home Studies of Colorado will guide you step by step through the adoption process, collaborate with your out-of-state adoption partners, educate you, and support you through your journey. We are available to you on the phone or in person to answer questions and inform you about each step. To speak with a team member about our services, please call us at 303-333-1572 or click here to contact us.