
Logo, growing flowers from seed to bloom, Adoption Home Studies of Colorado

Exciting News! A Love Beyond Borders has rebranded and now doing business as Adoption Home Studies of Colorado! In 2023, we made the conscious decision to shift our focus from international adoption services, voluntarily choosing not to renew our Hague authorization. Now we are "all in" and fully committed to serving the needs of adoptive families in Colorado and American expatriates worldwide who are pursuing adoption.

Our dedication to excellence, combined with our extensive experience and unwavering passion for child welfare, remains steadfast. As Adoption Home Studies of Colorado, we continue to uphold the highest standards in providing comprehensive home study services. Whether you're a Colorado resident pursuing domestic adoption or an American expat seeking Hague-compliant home studies, we are here to support you on your journey to grow your family through adoption.

Ukraine: Limited Resumption of Intercountry Adoption during Martial Law: February 12, 2024

The Government of Ukraine continues to state that intercountry adoption will not fully resume while martial law is in place, or the three months following its cancellation.The Government of Ukraine confirmed they will process intercountry adoptions in limited circumstances as provided by Decree No. 576 [Article 135]. The Ukrainian government considers the following persons eligible and issue referrals accordingly:

  1. Persons adopting a biological sibling (full or half-sibling) of a previously adopted child;
  2. Relatives of the prospective adoptive child [see the Civil Code of Ukraine, Articles 1262-63 and 1265 to understand who qualifies as a relative]; or
  3. Persons adopting their spouse’s child (stepparent adoption).

The Government of Ukraine will also process intercountry adoptions for persons who have already received an official referral from the National Social Service.  Persons who have official referrals that qualify under this exception have received approval from the National Social Services of Ukraine (NSSU) to adopt. A referral includes having accepted an official match (this could be a blind referral of a child not already known, or the referral of a previously hosted child) issued by the NSSU. If you believe your case is eligible to move forward under this exception, please contact your adoption service provider. The Department of State is in regular contact with the Ukrainian Ministry of Social Policy, the National Social Service of Ukraine, and the Ukrainian Embassy in Washington, and we will continue to provide updates as they are available.

The Adoption Tax Credit NEEDS YOUR HELP

The 2023 Adoption Tax Credit Refundability has been introduced in Congress. You can help keep the momentum going at this crucial time as there is still a chance to ask Congress to consider year end tax legislation. Use this quick and easy advocacy tool to ask your members of Congress to sponsor a refundable adoption tax credit. Click here for the advocacy tool, its simple, quick and you can personalize your message to your members of Congress. 

ETIAS launch pushed to 2024: ETIAS stands for the European Travel Information and Authorisation System - a new type of visa for travel to Europe, including to countries where Americans travel to adopt.  The intention of forming the system was to improve the security of EU member states within the Schengen region by capturing data on travellers that currently visit the area without a visa. The ETIAS will pre-screen travellers from "third-countries", including the US, who are citizens from countries not needing a Schengen Visa.All visitors who previously traveled visa-free to Europe, such as visitors from the United Statesand many others, will need an approved ETIAS to enter any ETIAS member country such as FranceGermanyItalySpain along with other ETIAS member countries. Citizens of the US may inquire HERE for details.

Keep in touch! We have some exciting things planned for our future, and the best way to stay in the loop is to Like and Follow the adoption experts at ALBB on Facebook
Please Review Us! Reviews really help us get the word out and encourage people to reach out to discuss their plans for adopting.  The best place to leave a review is Google.  Please follow this link to leave a Google review. It would mean a lot and we’d appreciate it.  
Friends and Family Discount: People trust recommendations from their friends and family more than any other source of information and are far more inclined to believe a friend than a review from a stranger. It would be our honor to assist your friends and family with their adoption.  When they apply and mention you referred them to us, they will receive a $200 credit off the cost of the home study or pre-adoption education.   It’s a win-win!

July 13, 2023: The U.S. Department of State has released the FY2022 Annual Report on Intercountry Adoption. This covers the period of time from October 1, 2021 through September 30, 2022. In the report, the Department documents 1,517 total adoptions, a 15% percent decrease from the year prior when the Department reported there were 1,785 intercountry adoptions to the United States in FY2021. The FY2022 report demonstrates a 91% decrease since the Department of State began oversight of intercountry adoption fifteen years ago (in FY2008) and a 93% decrease from FY2004, the year the U.S. had the most incoming intercountry adoptions. Read more about the report at the National Council for Adoption (NCFA) website or the full report at the Department of State (DOS) website

April 2023:  A Love Beyond Borders (ALBB) celebrated our 16th year assisting children and families with adoption services, in Colorado, and throughout the US and select countries abroad. We look forward to continuing our mission supporting Coloradoans seeking to grow their family through adoption. Please reach out to us at about our home study services for private domestic and intercountry adoption, pre-adoption education and training, and post-placement and post-adoption services. We look forward to revealing exciting news for the adoption community in the future.

December 17, 2023: A Love Beyond Borders Hague authorization expires December 17, 2023 and the Advisory Board made the decision to let it lapse and not apply for renewal. This means as of 12/17/2023 ALBB will no longer be a Hague approved agency able to provide international placement services. We will remain a strong, long-established licensed agency in Colorado and continue to support our local community with both domestic and Hague-compliant home study, adoption education and post placement services. If you are interested in one of our international programs please do still reach out to us to learn about our new partner programs, where clients may continue to work with Hague agencies in Colombia and other destinations while also benefitting from the expertise of ALBB staff. Reach out to to inquire about this exciting new program and how our expertise may continue to benefit your adoption. 

December 2022: A Love Beyond Borders is proud to be re-accredited for yet another year in the Dominican Republic by the central adoption authority, CONANI.  Please inquire about our program and waiting children with a variety of mild or moderate special needs.  We'd love to help you adopt your child this year from Dominican Republic!

June 01, 2022: A Love Beyond Borders has a new address, same office complex but new building and new suite. Effective June 01, 2022 our address is 6000 E. Evans Ave., Suite 1-020, Denver, Colorado 80222 USA.  Our phone, emails and fax remains the same. Stop by to say hi! 

February 28, 2021:  War in Ukraine and adopting from Ukraine: A Love Beyond Borders often receives inquiries from U.S. citizens concerned about the plight of children who are refugees or are in war zones such as Ukraine. We share this concern for these children, and we understand that some U.S. citizens want to respond by offering to open their homes and adopt these children in need or offer a temporary home for safe shelter.  

It can be extremely difficult in such circumstances to determine whether children who appear to be orphans truly are true orphans, eligible for adoption and immigration under foreign and U.S. laws. Children may be temporarily separated from their parents or other family members during a conflict or natural disaster and their parents or family members may be looking for them. It is not uncommon in dangerous situations for parents to send their children out of the area, for safety reasons, or for families to become separated during an evacuation. Even when it can be demonstrated that a child’s parents have died, children are often cared for by other relatives. Many children living in orphanages in Ukraine, and other countries in conflict, are not orphans. 

During times of crisis, it can also be exceptionally difficult to fulfill the legal requirements for intercountry adoption of both the United States and the child’s country of origin. This is especially true when civil authority breaks down. It can be very difficult to gather documents necessary to establish that the child meets the requirements of U.S. immigration law.  For these reasons, and at this time until the situation in Ukraine improves, we cannot recommend U.S. Citizens start the adoption of a child from Ukraine or other country in conflict.

December 17, 2021:  A Love Beyond Borders is pleased to announce our reaccreditation in Colombia as an adoption service provider! The ICBF, Colombia's central adoption authority, renewed the accreditation of A Love Beyond Borders to provide adoption services in Colombia. We are proud of our program and services and appreciate the validation of ICBF, and we look forward to continuing to help place the Colombian children in need of a family into qualified, loving adoptive families. 

October 14, 2021:  A Love Beyond Borders is proud to receive news of our re-accreditation by IBESR in Haiti!  We are one of 12 US agencies reaccredited for another two years by the Central Adoption Authority (IBESR) of Haiti.  It's our honor to continue assisting our clients and the Haitian children we serve. 

December 18, 2020: We invite applicants to consider one of our other adoption programs where many children are waiting a family and the program is efficient, transparent and stable.  Check out Bulgaria and Colombia as they meet that criteria. They are very long-standing, stable and well-run programs with very organized Central Adoption Authorities committed to best practices and the best needs of the children they serve. We have pre-identified children with special needs of all ages or older, healthier children available in our Bulgaria and Colombia programs. Waiting child adoptions can typically be completed within 12-15 months (on average) so please ask! Email us at or call 303-333-1572

December 14, 2020: A Love Beyond Borders welcomes the newest memeber of our team, Courtney Irwin! Courtney will be assisting in our Haiti program and with special needs adoption. Courtney will be available by email at

National Adoption Awareness Month $1,000 Waiting Child Grants available to new applicants seeking to adopt a waiting child through A Love Beyond Borders. Inquire at 303-333-1572 or email

U.S.Senator Roger Wicker sends strong message to the Senate: Time to remove obstacles to intercountry adoption:  Senator Wicker recently expressed to the Senate, "For years, the U.S. State Department and its adoption accrediting entity have been hostile to intercountry adoption. They have obstructed the adoption process with fees and red tape. And they have put crushing regulations on adoption-providing agencies, making it almost impossible to stay in business. The result has been devastating. Over the last year and a half, more than 30 adoption agencies have stopped providing intercountry adoptions, and some have had to shut down completely. Tragically, this means more orphans each year will remain in institutions rather than with a loving family. These troubling developments can be traced to the State Department’s Office of Children’s Issues. This office was created by Congress to promote international adoption, but under misguided leadership, it is doing the exact opposite. In 2018, for example, it directly intervened to prevent three well-respected adoption agencies from having their accreditation renewed. In 2019, it issued a public letter threatening the future of intercountry adoption. It even hosted a public forum last year that featured radically anti-adoption speakers."  Read more about his concerns at WICKER ARTICLE

International Borders Reopen for Adoption Travel! As of September 2020, international travel has resumed and borders have reopened in Armenia, Bulgaria, Colombia and Haiti. Children remain waiting even while the world deals with a pandemic. Most countries have continued adoption processes this year although processes have been slower.  We are encouraged at the commitment the governments have demonstrated to the children awaiting adoption and the arrival of their new parents.  Inquire today about adoption at

Colombian Hosting Program on hold until Summer of 2021 due to Covid 19 Concerns: At this time, we have made the difficult decided to not move forward with the winter hosting program of 2020, due to the increase of risk in the US. There are many variables considered and of course the safety and well-being of the children and host families is a top priority. We are all focused now on delivering a great summer of 2021 hosting program!  

$1,000 Dare to Dream Discount available for new clients on international adoption programs, or $500 off home study services, now through June 15, 2020. Apply online today

A Love Beyond Borders is moving and has a new address in Denver: Effective April 29, 2020 our new address is 6000 E. Evans Ave., Suite 3-300, Denver, CO 80222. We are conveniently located down the street from our old office, just off I-25 and Evans in Denver. Plenty of free parking on site. 

International Travel from or through Europe for Adoption During Coronovirus Outbreak from Department of State: March 12, 2020: Information about restrictions on entry to the United States for travelers arriving or transiting from Europe is available on the Department of State’s website.  Please monitor this site for updates and ensure your clients are aware of the Department’s Global Level 3 Health Advisory. As noted, the Presidential Proclamation does not apply to U.S. citizens or to others who fall under specific exceptions. Regarding intercountry adoption cases, please note the Proclamation, under Section 2 – Scope of Suspension and Limitation on Entry, includes exceptions for: (i)     any lawful permanent resident of the United States;(ii)    any alien who is the spouse of a U.S. citizen or lawful permanent resident; (iii)   any alien who is the parent or legal guardian of a U.S. citizen or lawful permanent resident, provided that the U.S. citizen or lawful permanent resident is unmarried and under the age of 21; (iv)    any alien who is the sibling of a U.S. citizen or lawful permanent resident, provided that both are unmarried and under the age of 21; (v)  any alien who is the child, foster child, or ward of a U.S. citizen or lawful permanent resident, or who is a prospective adoptee seeking to enter the United States pursuant to the IR-4 or IH-4 visa classifications. 

Welcoming our newest team member, Devin Berna; A Love Beyond Borders is pleased to welcome Devin Berna to the team.  Devin and her husband Joshua are parents to four children including a special daughter who joined their family from Armenia. Devin will be providing to prospective clients the information and guidance on our programs and adoption services in Armenia and Bulgaria. 

A Love Beyond Borders offers LGBT-friendly Colombian Program: If you are an LGBT person in the United States who is hoping to adopt, you have come to the right place! At A Love Beyond Borders we want all qualified, prospective parents to succeed in their hopes of starting or continuing a family through adoption. We can complete your domestic or international home study if you reside in Colorado, and work with LGBT applicants throughout the US and living abroad for their adoption in Colombia. 

December 17, 2019 A Love Beyond Borders Hague Approval is renewed another four years: We are pleased to receive our four year Hague renewal from IAAME, and look forward to continuing to provide adoption services for qualified applicants throughout the US and expats living abroad. 

August 28, 2019: USCIS issues Policy Alert SUBJECT: Defining “Residence” in Statutory Provisions Related to Citizenship Purpose U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) is issuing policy guidance in the USCIS Policy Manual to address requirements for “residence” in statutory provisions related to citizenship, and to rescind previous guidance regarding children of U.S. government employees and members of the U.S. armed forces employed or stationed outside the United States. Policy Highlights • Clarifies that temporary visits to the United States do not establish U.S. residence and explains the distinction between residence and physical presence in the United States. • Explains that USCIS no longer considers children of U.S. government employees and U.S. armed forces members residing outside the United States as “residing in the United States” for purposes of acquiring citizenship under INA 320.3Access the alert at

2019 IRS Adoption Tax Credit: For adoptions finalized in 2019 the maximum credit allowed for adoptions is the amount of qualified adoption expenses up to $14,080, up from $13,810 for 2018. Visit the IRS for further details on whether or not you qualify, and how to collect your benefit, at

Adoption and the Child Tax Credit: With the 2019 tax-filing season underway, a critical issue for families filing for the Child Tax Credit using an Adoption Taxpayer Identification Number (ATIN) has been brought to our attention. As a result of tax law changes made in the 2017 tax reform law (known as the "Tax Cuts and Jobs Act," P.L. 115-97), now only a Social Security Number (SSN) is acceptable for claiming the Child Tax Credit. As a result, the Child Tax Credit cannot be claimed using an ATIN (or any other type of taxpayer identification number other than an SSN). Specifically, under the new tax law, for tax years 2018-2025, in order to claim the enhanced Child Tax Credit (which was increased and made refundable in the tax law), a SSN is required and the SSN must be issued before the due date of the tax filing (April 15th, OR October 15th in the case of an extension). Because of this time requirement for when the SSN is issued, this precludes families from filing amended returns later after an SSN has been issued if it is after the due date of the tax filing. As you know, adoptive families use the ATIN for tax purposes when an SSN is not available or has not been issued, and we know that adoptive families often wait for an adoption to be finalized to seek an SSN in order to apply based on a new birth certificate. We want to alert you to be aware of this important development. If you have questions or concerns please speak with your tax advisor!! THIS IS NOT ABOUT THE ADOPTION TAX CREDIT. IT IS THE CHILD TAX CREDIT!!!

2018 IRS Adoption Tax Credit: Tax benefits for adoption include both a tax credit for qualified adoption expenses paid to adopt an eligible child and an exclusion from income for employer-provided adoption assistance. The credit is nonrefundable, which means it's limited to your tax liability for the year. However, any credit in excess of your tax liability may be carried forward for up to five years. The maximum amount (dollar limit) for 2018 is $13,810 per child.

For both the credit and the exclusion, qualified adoption expenses, defined in section 23(d)(1) of the Code, include:

  • Reasonable and necessary adoption fees,

  • Court costs and attorney fees,

  • Traveling expenses (including amounts spent for meals and lodging while away from home), and

  • Other expenses that are directly related to and for the principal purpose of the legal adoption of an eligible child.

 Learn more, visit the IRS at

June 01, 2019: During these lazy days of summer A Love Beyond Borders encourages prospective adoptive parents to get started on the paperwork for their adoption. To support the adoption we are offering $1,000 discount off international adoption programs in Armenia, Bulgaria, Colombia and Haiti. Inquire today for details. Terms and conditions do apply. 

June 14, 2019: A Love Beyond Borders is accepting limited applications to our Haiti adoption program for healthy children up to age six! Spots are limited so apply today!

October 2018: A Love Beyond Borders is happy to announce our Haiti accredidation for 2019-2020 has been approved!  We have maintained consistent accreditation since Haiti began this process and we are grateful for the opportunity to continue partnering with IBESR.  

March 2, 2018: Armenia program approved! We are delighted to announce that we have been approved by the Armenian Central Authority to begin providing adoption services in Armenia. We appreciate their confidence in our agency and look forward to finding permanent families for the waiting children in Armenia. 

March 22, 2018: A letter from A Love Beyond Borders regarding the crisis in international adoption: Help us save intercountry adoptions! Sign the White House Petition: International adoptions have plummeted by 81% and are projected to end by 2022. A Love Beyond Borders is asking for your help to reverse this disastrous decline --- Here's what you can do to help. First, educate yourself about the problem. A new article by The Federalist is a great starting point. Read the recent article here: FEDERALIST ARTICLE. Second, visit  for more information about the crisis, the reasons, and how you can help solve the U.S. international adoption crisis and change the world for orphans, by taking these easy steps today:

(1) Sign Petition: Please sign the White House petition. The White House promises it will respond if we reach 100,000 signatures in 30 days. Sign the Petition NOW

Once you sign, please send this on to your friends and family and post it on social media. On behalf of the thousands of orphaned children who will find permanent families because of your help – THANK YOU! *IMPORTANT: Check your clutter/sp*m/junk mail to ‘verify’ your email after signing the petition or your signature will not be counted.

(2) Share: If you have a Facebook page, Instagram account, blog, YouTube channel, website, Pinterest account, Twitter account, email newsletter or any other way to help spread the word, please share a link to and encourage your friends, followers, and clients to help Save Adoptions by signing the White House petition.

(3) Contact Politicians: Please contact your U.S. Congressman and Senators and ask them to please help save adoptions and solve the U.S. international adoption crisis. Please invite them to visit to learn more. Please also invite them to contact Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and President Donald Trump and ask them to implement the 15 solutions.

(4) Contact Media: Please contact your local newspapers, television stations, websites and radio stations and encourage them to create stories about the U.S. international adoption crisis, and how we can Save Adoptions. Please invite them to visit to learn more.

Your action means the world right now!

There are two easy steps you can take today to help save international adoptions:

  • First, sign our White House petition. The White House promises it will respond if the petition receives 100,000 signatures in 30 days.

  • Second, we also invite you to share it on Facebook, Instagram, or other social media platforms and to invite your friends and family (anyone over 13 years of age with an email address can sign)to sign the White House petition.

15 million orphans globally have lost both of their parents. 81 million Americans have considered adoption, but for many it is too complex and too expensive. International adoptions by Americans have plummeted by 81% since 2004, from about 23,000 adoptions in 2004 to only 4,200 international adoptions budgeted in 2018 by the international adoption accrediting entity. If this dramatic trend in international adoptions by Americans continues, international adoptions may completely end by 2022.

Mary Landrieu, Former United States Senator and former Co-Chair of the Congressional Coalition on Adoption, recently said: “Congress passed the Hague Convention on Inter-country Adoption believing that this action would pave the way for a more ethical, transparent and streamlined process for inter-country adoption. We were moved by the overwhelming number of abandoned children in the world and their obvious need for loving families. We pushed hard for passage, and the State Department was designated by Congress as the lead for implementing this important initiative. Sadly, several years later, it is clear that this decision was a tragic mistake. Instead of shoring up the process and providing support for sending countries, the State Department has twisted the intent of the treaty to close one country after another. The process has become far more cumbersome and far less transparent. American parents who want to help and lovingly raise a child are often made to feel like criminals. As a result, inter-country adoptions have fallen to an historic low, and they continue to decrease each year as the need of desperate, abandoned, and orphaned children increases. Major change is required now before it’s too late.” 

We recognize a child’s right to a family when one is not available in his/her birth country and the loving character of American families. We ask President Trump and Secretary of State Pompeo to investigate the causes of the 80% decline in intercountry adoptions since 2004 and to solve the U.S. international adoption crisis. The leadership of the Office of Children’s Issues has been unresponsive to collaborating with adoption community leaders to solve problems and continues to reinterpret regulations in ways unintended by Congress in the Hague Intercountry Adoption Act. The adoption community including agencies, attorneys, adoptive parents, and adoption advocate organizations stands ready to work with the Administration on implementing various achievable solutions that have been identified by adoption leaders.

Together, we will make a difference in the lives of orphans around the world. Thank you.

March 22, 2018 Message from the Assistant Secretary – Intercountry Adoption: Dear Intercountry Adoption Community, The Department of State (Department) is committed to maintaining intercountry adoption as an option around the world for children who cannot find permanent families in their countries of birth. There are many components to that effort, ranging from engaging bilaterally with other nations on intercountry adoption, to coordinating with other federal and state authorities, to providing information to prospective adoptive parents and adoption professionals. Our cooperation and collaboration with the adoption community to promote ethical and transparent adoptions is also critically important, and I thank you for your commitment and advocacy on behalf of children and families. This approach allows children in need to continue to find permanent, caring homes with U.S. families. That is a goal I support personally and to which my entire team at the Bureau of Consular Affairs is committed. Read the entire letter: Letter

March 16, 2018: Adoption Notice: Guidance on Soft Referrals. soft referral describes the act of matching a child to a family before confirmation of the child’s eligibility to be adopted through the intercountry process and/or approval of the prospective adoptive parents’ (PAP) home study and associated background checks, as further explained below. Please follow this link for the full publication on this topic: Soft Referral Notice Link

Furthermore we encourage visiting the link to read the notice, Adoption Notice: Accuracy on Intercountry Adoption Matters:  Accuracy on Adoption Matters

March 6, ,2018: A Love Beyond Borders, Inc. is proud to announce we have been approved by the Central Adoption Authority of Armenia to provide adoption services in Armenia! We anticipate accepting applications into our Armenian program in spring and welcome applicants seeking to adopt children of all ages with special needs. Armenia does have babies and toddlers available for adoption and prospective families should anticipate a variety of levels of special needs. Younger children with various degrees of special needs requiring medical or therapeutic attention are also available. Children live in orphanages or in small group and foster care settings. Armenia is a Hague Convention country and the program is well-established. 

Keep on the lookout for more news, special promotions and an open date for this new program in Armenia. Eager to get on our wait-list? Send an email to with ARMENIA n the subject line. We will put you on the list for when we begin accepting applications.

February 14, 2018: A Love Beyond Borders, Inc. is delighted to announce we have been approved by the Latvian Ministry of Welfare as an adoption services provider in Latvia! We anticipate accepting applications into our Latvia program in mid-March and welcome applicants seeking to adopt children ages 9 and older, or part of a sibling group or three or more children. Younger children with various degrees of special needs requiring medical or therapeutic attention are also available. Children live in orphanages or in small group and foster care settings. Latvia is a Hague Convention country and the program is well-established. Any adoptable child, regardless of the child’s age or health condition, may be adopted if at least one of the prospective adoptive parents is a Latvian citizen or holds Latvian non-citizen resident (alien) status (while the other must be US Citizen).

Keep on the lookout for more news, special promotions and an open date for this new program in Latvia! Eager to get on our wait-list? Send an email to with LATVIA in the subject line. We will put you on the list for when we begin accepting applications.

November 15, 2017:  Department of State Notice: Council on Accreditation to Withdraw as Accrediting Council on Accreditation to Withdraw as Accrediting Entity November 14, 2017 The Council on Accreditation (COA) has confirmed that it will cease serving as a designated accrediting entity in December 2018, unless COA and the Department reach an alternative mutually acceptable date. COA’s work in support of children, their birth families, and prospective adoptive families under the 1993 Hague Convention on Protection of Children and Co-operation in Respect of Intercountry Adoption (Adoption Convention), the Intercountry Adoption Act of 2000 (IAA), and the Intercountry Adoption Universal Accreditation Act of 2012 (UAA) began in 2006.  Since that time, COA has served as the primary accrediting entity with jurisdiction encompassing the entire United States.  The Department appreciates COA’s work and its many years of accrediting and approving U.S. adoption service providers.  This decision will not affect the continuation of intercountry adoption in the United States.  COA will continue to execute its responsibilities as an accrediting entity while the International Adoption Accreditation and Maintenance Entity, Inc. (IAAME), recently designated as an accrediting entity, prepares to assume its duties and responsibilities.  Information about IAAME and its designation as an accrediting entity is found on theDepartment’s website.  The Department will arrange an opportunity for adoption service providers and other stakeholders to hear from IAAME in the near future. The Department is committed to a smooth transition for adoption service providers and prospective adoptive families. Discussions regarding the transition are in process, and the Department will share updates with the adoption community as plans are finalized.   Questions about this announcement may be submitted to the Department

August 8, 2017 Adoption Notice: Department of State Designates Intercountry Adoption Accreditation and Maintenance Entity, Inc. as an Accrediting Entity 

On July 28, 2017, the Department of State designated Intercountry Adoption Accreditation and Maintenance Entity, Inc., (IAAME) as an accrediting entity (AE) under the Intercountry Adoption Act of 2000 (IAA) in accordance with 22 CFR Part 96.  The designation is for a period of five years.

IAAME is the second designated AE, joining the Council on Accreditation, whose designation was renewed July 11, 2016 for an additional five years.  IAAME’s responsibilities as an AE will commence upon:  1) the Department of State’s approval of systems, procedures, and a fee schedule that will be coordinated as necessary to ensure consistency in accreditation systems and procedures used by both AEs; and 2) the Department of State’s determination of jurisdictional parameters. 

The Office of Children’s Issues will provide additional information as it becomes available. You can read the notice by visiting the website at Office of Children's Issues

May 1-31, 2017:  A Special Offer from A Love Beyond Borders Celebrate Mother's Day and enjoy a $350 savings off your adoption service at A Love Beyond Borders. Terms and Conditions: Applicants pay the $350 at time of application for home study and/or adoption in Bulgaria, Colombia or Haiti. Excludes hosting program. The fee will then be credited to your first fees when paid with the adoption contract by June 15,  2017.

April 21, 2017: Department of State announces that Ethiopia suspends intercountry adoption effective immediately. On April 21, an official from Ethiopia’s Ministry of Women and Children (MOWA) informed U.S. Embassy Addis Ababa that it is suspending its processing of intercountry adoption cases, effective immediately. The U.S. Department of State does not yet know how long this suspension will last. The Office of Children’s Issues and the Embassy are working with MOWA to seek more information on the terms of the suspension. We will urge MOWA to complete processing of cases that were in progress prior to this suspension. If you have questions about your pending case, please contact your Adoption Service Provider. You may also write to if you have questions about an adoption-related visa application or immigrant petition. You may copy the Office of Children’s Issues at on your email to the Embassy if you wish. Please continue to monitor for updated information on intercountry adoption in Ethiopia. 

April 18, 2017: Department of State issues notice about missing post adoption reports: A persistent obstacle to expanding opportunities for intercountry adoption is U.S. families sometimes do not submit the post-adoption reports they agreed to at the time their adoption was finalized.  This causes countries of origin concern about the welfare and whereabouts of the adopted children and may jeopardize the continuation of intercountry adoption.  In addition, some countries have conditioned the resumption of intercountry adoption on receipt of missing post-adoption reports.We have designated May 15 as “Post-Adoption Report Day.”  Pleasemake sure you've submitted all your required post adoption reports for your child and join us by reaching out to other adoptive families through social media, listservs, and other communication avenues to urge submission of missing reports on that date.  Check the country-specific pages on our website,, for post-adoption reporting requirements and foreign government points of contact.  The Office of Children’s Issues would like to hear about your success at!

February 3, 2017 USCIS published an alert regarding adoptions and fostering a child in Uganda. As reported in our June 2016 Adoption Notice, the Children Act Amendments of 2016 require non-Ugandan prospective adoptive parents to spend one year living in Uganda fostering the child(ren) they intend to adopt. It has come to the attention of the Department of State that in an effort to fulfill that requirement, some adoption service providers (ASPs) may be arranging for Ugandan residents to foster children on behalf of U.S. prospective adoptive parents. We urge prospective adoptive parents to carefully consider the following information before considering using “proxy fostering.”Click here for the rest of the notice:

December 7, 2016 USCIS published 2016 Fee Increases to Adoption-Related Forms. On December 23, 2016, new fees will go into effect for USCIS forms as a result of a final rule published in the Federal Register on October 24, 2016.  The chart below highlights fee changes that will impact adoption-related immigration forms. Applications and petitions postmarked or filed on or after December 23, 2016, must include the new fees or USCIS will reject the filing. 

Forms I-600/600A, Petition to Classify Orphan as an Immediate Relative/Application for Advance Petition Processing of an Orphan Petition



Forms I-800/800A, Petition to Classify Convention Adoptee as an Immediate Relative/Application for Determination of Suitability to Adopt a Child from a Convention Country



Form I-800A, Supp. 3 Request for Action on Approved Form I–800A



Forms N-600/N-600K, Application for Certificate of Citizenship



September 16, 2016: The Department of State Continues to Strongly Recommend Against Adopting from the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC): The exit permit suspension for Congolese children adopted through the intercountry adoption process is still in effect.  The Congolese government has issued, in exceptional circumstances, exit permits for many children whose completed adoption dossiers had been pending for upwards of 30 months and were specifically approved by the Congolese Interministerial Commission.  However, the Direction Generale de Migration (DGM), the DRC governmental agency responsible for issuing exit permits, has confirmed that the exit permit suspension remains fully in place at this time.  There are no exceptions to the exit permit suspension for adoptions by relatives, prospective adoptive parents of Congolese descent, or any prospective adoptive parents who intend to take their child out of the DRC for the purpose of immigration, even where one parent maintains Congolese citizenship.  The DGM and the Interministerial Commission have stated the suspension will remain in effect until new adoption laws are passed and go into effect. The Congolese government has not provided a timeline for when such laws might be passed.  The Department of State continues to ask all U.S. accredited or approved adoption service providers not to refer new Congolese adoption cases for U.S. prospective adoptive parents.  At this time, the Department of State strongly recommends against initiating an adoption in the DRC with the intent of immigrating the child to the United States.  

The Department of State continues to advocate for any families whose already adopted children have not received exit permits.  We will continue to engage with the Congolese government on long-term adoption reform.  Please address any questions or concerns to, or call 1 (888) 407-4747 from inside the United States or (202) 501-4444from outside the United States. 

On August 14, 2016: A Love Beyond Borders has a new office and a new suite. Our offices have moved to a new suite (#709) within our building. Same address but new suite number; 4155 E. Jewell Ave. #709, Denver, Colorado 80222. Stop by to see us!

On August 5, 2016: Adoption Alert: Update on Possible Recall of Guardianship Orders from the US Department of State Follow up to August 1, 2016 notice: To date, the Department of State is not aware of any guardianship orders issued to U.S. citizens after June 2, 2016 that have been recalled for reconsideration by Uganda’s High Court.  The Department continues to seek clarification on the issue of a possible recall.  Please continue to monitor our website for updates on adoptions in Uganda, and please notify us if you received a guardianship order after June 2, 2016, or if a guardianship order is recalled.

On August 1, 2016:  Adoption Alert: Ugandan High Court Recall of Guardianship Orders Issued After June 2, 2016.  On July 27, the Ugandan High Court informed the U.S. Embassy in Kampala that it is planning to “recall” for reconsideration guardianship orders issued to non-Ugandans after June 2.  June 2 is the effective date of amendments to Uganda’s Children Act, as referenced in the Department’s June 2 and July 6 Adoption Alerts.The U.S. Embassy in Kampala is seeking clarification from the High Court on the impact of this recall on any guardianships issued after June 2, and to ascertain its possible effects on U.S. citizen prospective adoptive parents currently in the process of seeking guardianship of a child from Uganda. The Department will provide additional information regarding the Court’s planned recall of these guardianship orders as it becomes available. If you have questions about this notice, please contact the Department of State’s Office of Children’s Issues via email at  Please continue to monitor our website for updates on adoptions in Uganda.

On April 13, 2016: USCIS revised Form N-400, Application for Naturalization. The revised version is available You may continue to use the 9/13/13 edition of the form until August 9, 2016. They will reject and return previous versions of Form N-400 submitted on or after August 10, 2016. The eligibility requirements for naturalization have not changed. For information on how to complete the form, and where eligibility requirements can be found, visit For additional information refer to their Guide to Naturalization.

December 31, 2015 - The Department of State issued an alert about adoptions in UGANDA specific to the issue of visa issuance for children being adopted from orphanages without current licenses. In esssence the statement clarifies the US policy; "The Ugandan Courts that grant guardianships and adoption orders do not consistently require evidence of this approval when granting guardianships and adoption orders.   Additionally, the Ministry of Gender and the Courts have differing interpretations of the relevant Ugandan laws. While these issues are being reviewed by the Ugandan authorities, the U.S. Embassy will continue to adjudicate qualified cases based on decisions made by Ugandan courts. At this time, the Embassy does not require proof of the Ministry of Gender’s approval or proof of the national accreditation of children’s home as part of the visa file."  To read the full notice, visit

March 15, 2016: Bienestar Familiar Colombia (ICBF) and A Love Beyond Borders are pleased to partner together to present yet another summer hosting program for children from Colombia.  We invite you to join us and change lives in the process! Click HERE to inquire!  Registration deadline is April 15!

December 18, 2015 - A Love Beyond Borders is proud to state we have received our Hague renewal! The letter from Richard Klarberg at COA states," I am extremely pleased to notify you that in accordance with 22 CFR 96.58 (c), the Council on Accreditation (COA) has granted A Love Beyond Borders, LLC’s application for Hague Approval. Your achievement of Hague Approval demonstrates your commitment to the children and families you serve both here and abroad."

December 15, 2015 - A Love Beyond Borders ceased offering an adoption partnership program in Ethiopia with Adoption Avenues. 

December 2015 - Our Christmas Colombian child vacation program is in full swing and five families are hosting and will be adopting six children! We are now accepting applications and inquiries for our July 2016 hosting program. Inquire HERE.

November 24, 2015 -  A Love Beyond Borders was pleased to receive news of our Re-Accreditation in Colombia! This accreditation status is valid for two years. Our Colombian program is growing and many children are waiting for families. Please inquire today!

November 9, 2015 - In a landmark ruling, Colombia’s highest court ruled in November 2015 that gay individuals and couples may adopt children in Colombia. In a 6-to-2 decision, the Constitutional Court found that barring gay people from adopting had unreasonably deprived children of the right to be raised by families. Anticipating criticism from political and religious leaders, the justices wrote that “doubts and fears about whether society is ready to accept this decision won’t be dissipated by being blind to an irrefutable reality.” The judges argued that there was no evidence that same-sex couples were unfit parents and no compelling reason to bar them from the universe of potential adoptive families. A Love Beyond Borders has always had an anti-discrimination policy and we welcome qualified gay applicants to adopt in our Colombia program or participate in one of our two annual Colombian child hosting programs. 

October 6, 2014 - The Department of State Strongly Recommends Against Adopting from the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) at this time:

In light of the DRC’s September 26, 2014 announcement that its exit permit suspension for adopted children remains in effect indefinitely, the Department of State has asked all adoption agencies to cease referring new DRC adoption cases for U.S. prospective adoptive parents at this time. The Department of State strongly recommends against initiating an adoption in the DRC at this time, as adoptive children cannot leave the DRC without an exit permit issued by the DRC’s Directorate of General Migration, even with a finalized adoption.  Congolese courts continue to issue adoption decrees under existing Congolese law, despite the exit permit suspension.  We continue to press the DRC government on lifting the suspension so that Congolese children with finalized adoptions waiting for an exit permit can join their adoptive families as soon as possible. We are committed to working with the DRC government to address their concerns and continue to advocate for opportunities to engage on long-term adoption reforms in the DRC. 

A Love Beyond Borders ceased accepting application for the DRC program last year (and did not issue referrals). However, our work now in DRC continues so we may assist the families and children already with completed adoptions until such time as the children may legally depart DRC for their new adoptive homes. 

April 29, 2014 - U.S. Embassy in Haiti Issues Warning

Haiti - The U.S. Embassy in Haiti has heard reports regarding certain adoption service providers requests for substantial additional payments.  These adoption service providers are claiming that these fees are charged by the Haitian authorities to expedite the adoption process.  The Embassy has verified with Haiti’s adoption authority, the Institut du Bien-Être Social et de Recherches (IBESR), that the Government of Haiti does not charge expedite fees in association with adoptions in Haiti.   read more

March 28, 2014  - Ethiopia - Notice: Ministry of Women, Children, and Youth Affairs Change in Procedure for Regional Approval Letters

On March 13, in response to our request for clarification on reported delays from adoption service providers and prospective adoptive families, the Ministry of Women, Children, and Youth Affairs (MOWCYA) informed the U.S. Embassy in Addis Ababa of a change that took place November 7, 2013 in the procedures for issuance of the regional approval for placement of a child for intercountry adoption.

On November 7, 2013 (October 29, 2006 Ethiopian calendar), MOWCYA issued a directive to regional Bureaus of Women, Children, and Youth Affairs stating that all letters of approval for children placed for intercountry adoption must be signed by the head or vice-head of the regional Women, Children and Youth Affairs bureau confirming the child's adoptability and eligibility for intercountry adoption.  The directive states the purpose of the policy change was to standardize which office certifies eligibility for intercountry adoption across all regions in Ethiopia.

Initially, the request was to be retroactive, which caused delays in some regions.  After some discussion between the regional and federal level offices, the change in procedure will apply to cases filed after November 7, 2013 (October 29, 2006 Ethiopian calendar) and those filed before will be grandfathered. Cases from all regions should be progressing on normal time frames.

March 28, 2014 - Recruiting Ambassadors for Waiting Children

Around the world, the face of international adoption is changing. Many positive things have happened over the past many years in international adoption. As economics have changed and improved, and cultural norms have adjusted, more orphaned and abandoned children have been adopted within their country of birth. This is great news which should be celebrated! White it means fewer infants are available for adoption internationally it does mean more opportunities for what are known as “waiting kids”, i.e., children with mild, moderate or significant special needs, healthy older children and healthy sibling groups of all ages. A Love Beyond Borders actively works to place waiting children of all ages and needs, and part of our is advocacy. Having a forever family can make all the difference in a child’s life.

What can you do to change a child’s life? A Love Beyond Borders is asking you to join our efforts and become an Ambassador for Waiting Children. Partner with us to spread the word about the need and help find families for Waiting Children. Unfortunately, these children are sometimes more difficult to place for adoption. Much of the difficulty arises from lack of awareness of the number and type of waiting children and the need for permanent families. These children are deserving of stability, love, opportunity and families as are all children! They should not grow in an orphanage but should grow in a family. They need your help!

By spreading the word about the work we do, you are enabling us to help more waiting children across the world find a loving family. There are a variety of ways you can raise awareness about our waiting kids.

It’s easy to help! You can help by posting or sharing the information we will provide to you about our waiting children on your social media forums, host an info session at your church/temple, or at your place of employment, school event, or putting a waiting child profile in your church/temple weekly bulletin. Have a blog? Link to our website or do an article about waiting children. Upon request LBB will provide you with email or printed materials about our waiting child program and available children. As an ambassador you can direct families to our website at or Facebook page at Information on waiting children internationally will be updated frequently. We will be sending out regular emails regarding waiting children and ask you to spread the word as you are able. However you chose to share our message, you will be making a real difference to our work and the lives of the children.

Please contact Anney Morris at or call 303-333-1572 for more information, to join the email list, or to obtain materials to help you succeed in this important mission.

March 14, 2014 - ALERT – BREAKING NEWS 

On Wednesday, February 26, Chairman Camp of the Ways and Means Committee released his much anticipated  taxreform proposal and it eliminates the adoption tax credit. This breaking news makes our advocacy efforts that much more critical. Now that an actual legislative proposal has suggested eliminating the credit altogether, we need to ensure that every single Member of Congress  hears from us about its importance. Members will only be compelled to fight for its protection if they hear real stories from all of you.  

Call to ActionInitial Emails to Your Members of Congress - Figure out who your three Members of Congress (2 Senators and 1 Representative) are by using and  Using their websites, figure out the best way to contact each of them (often it will be through an email or a form on their website). Email each of them and explain the importance of adoption and ask for their support in protecting the credit. Use our sample template letter (here) as a starting point, but be sure to personalize it. Speak from the heart and share your story about why the ATC is important to children, your family, or others in your life. Provide the link to  in your email so they can find additional information. For more advocacy tips visit:

March 04, 2014 - Joint Council Ethiopia Initiative Update

Joint Council Ethiopia Caucus Co-Chair, Dan Lauer of Holt Int., just returned from a meeting with the Ethiopian Ministry of Women’s Affairs Ethiopia Ministry of Women’s, Children and Youth Affairs.  The Ministry has confirmed that the Ethiopian Government’s meetings on social affairs have resulted in opportunities for intercountry adoption to continue. 

February 18, 2014 Haiti’s Compliance with the Hague Convention

We are very pleased to announce that basaed on today’s conference call with the Department of State (DOS) it appears that DOS will approve Hague adoptions from Haiti! DOS along with US Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) conducted a trip to Haiti and were very encouraged by the positive findings.  During the trip, both DOS and USCIS assessed whether Haiti met the requirements for Convention compliance, discussed with Haiti a plan for non-Hague adoption cases already in process and established a multi-nation working group to help with transition cases. As more details are finalized on the many issues still at play we will continue to keep you informed.

January 16, 2014 - Haiti deposits its instrument of ratification for the Hague Adoption Convention

The Convention on Protection of Children and Co-operation in Respect of Intercountry Adoption (the Convention) will enter into force for Haiti on April 1, 2014.   Haiti’s adoption authority, Institut du Bien-Être Social et de Recherches (IBESR), deposited its instrument of ratification with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of the Netherlands on December 16, 2013. 

The Department is also currently assessing whether consular officers will be able to verify that the requirements of the Convention and the Intercountry Adoption Act of 2000 will have been met with respect to individual adoption cases by the date that the Convention enters into force for Haiti.  This decision includes determining if Haiti has designated a central authority and key competent authorities to undertake specific responsibilities outlined in the Convention as well as determining if those authorities have the capacity to fulfill their stated functions.  The Department must also review Haiti’s adoption laws, procedures, practices, and infrastructure to ensure that key Convention principles will be implemented.  Those principles include consideration of subsidiarity, adoptability of the child, effective consent, determination of habitual residence, prevention of improper financial gain, and prohibition against prior contact with a child’s legal guardian(s) until the appropriate time in the adoption process. 

The Department of State expects to inform the public by April 1, 2014 whether the United States will be able to certify Convention adoptions from Haiti.  The Department of State will provide updated information

USCIS will continue to accept I-600A applications specifying Haiti until March 31, 2014.  However, we encourage adoption service providers and prospective adoptive parents to contact IBESR prior to initiating a new adoption from Haiti.  If you have questions about the status of your adoption case, please work closely with your adoption agency or facilitator. 

Please refer to our website and to USCIS’ website at for updates on the status of the U.S. adoption program from Haiti as we approach Haiti’s entry into force date.  If you have any questions about this notice, please contact the Office of Children’s Issues via email

LBB is holding an Ethiopia Night for all Denver area families.  The event will take place on Sunday, February 9th from 4:00PM - 6:00PM at Axum Resturant.  The cost will be $12 - $15 per person.  To RSVP contact Charmaine at or 333-1572 x109.

DRC-SPECIFIC CONFERENCE CALL SCHEDULED FOR: Wednesday, November 13, 2013 - 11:00 am ETl  The Department of State and U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services invite interested prospective adoptive parents seeking to adopt from the Democratic Republic of the Congo, adoptive parents whose adopted Congolese children have not yet entered the United States, adoption service providers operating programs from the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and other stakeholders to participate in a conference call.  Officials will discuss the suspension on exit permit issuances in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and the new prohibition on exit permit issuances to Congolese children adopted by single parents. The conference call will take place Wednesday, November 13, 2013, from 11:00 am – 12:00 pm ET.  We recommend that you call in 10 to 15 minutes before the start time.

Please note that inquiries regarding specific cases will not be addressed on the call and should be directed to the Office of Children’s Issues or toll-free at 1-888-407-4747.                              

In order to facilitate open discussion, the call is an off-the-record briefing not for recording or attribution.  The purpose of the call is to provide information to those participating on the call.  

November 2013 - November is National Adoption Month!  At LBB we are celebrating in a BIG way! In honor of National Adoption month, LBB is offering a $250 discount for all adoption contracts submitted and approved from November 1st to 30th. If you have been considering adoption now is the time to turn in your contract to us today! Not only is LBB giving a $250 discount to anyone who submits and is approved for their adoption contract in November, but we will also donate $250 per approved contract to establish an adoption grant for a special needs waiting child whose name will be announced at the end of November. If you have been considering adoption now is the time to turn in your application -- a penny saved is a penny earned!

October 24, 2013 - Heritage Camps for Adoptive Families Selected for Denver's 2013 Mayors Diversity Award  (

Heritage Camps for Adoptive Families (HCAF) was selected by the Denver Asian Pacific American Commission (DAPAC), one of the ten commissions of the Agency for Human Rights and Community Partnerships (HRCP), as a recipient of the 2013 City of Denver Mayor’s Diversity Award. The award recognizes HCAF’s commitment to diversity, inclusive excellence, leadership and public service.

Executive Director Pam Sweetser and past HCAF Board President Sharon Blender were in attendance at the awards ceremony October 17th to receive the award. Pam is shown here with Mayor Michael Hancock. This is another wonderful recognition of the work HCAF does for adoptive families and our diverse and very supportive community. Congratulations!

Thank you for being part of our Heritage Camp family and joining us as we recognize Pam Sweetser and HCAF for this outstanding achievement.

October 23, 2013 - The US Department of State issued an adoption notice advising that the Democratic Republic of the Congo Authorities Announce Changes to Suspension Exceptions and New Prohibition on Adoptions by Single Parents.  Read the full alert here:

October 8, 2013 Congolese Ministry of Interior and Security Announcement

On October 3, the Congolese Ministry of Interior and Security, General Direction of Migration (Direction Generale d’Immigration, DGM) informed the U.S. Embassy in Kinshasa that it will issue exit permits to adopted Congolese children who received immigrant visas for travel to the United States before the September 25, 2013, suspension effective date. Read the full alert here:

Evan B. Donaldson Institute seeks participants for critical new adoption on the internet survey:
The Internet and social media are changing the way adoption occurs throughout the world, yet we know little about the way social media and other elements of this modern technology affect the millions of people for whom adoption is part of everyday life. The Donaldson Adoption Institute has embarked on a new study seeking information from adopted persons, adoptive parents, parents who have placed children for adoption, and adoption professionals about their adoption-related use of the Internet and social media. This research is a follow-up to our 2012 report, Untangling the Web: The Internet's Transformative Impact on Adoption. To participate in the survey, please click here.

September 27, 2013: On September 27, the Congolese Ministry of Interior and Security, General Direction of Migration (Direction Generale d’Immigration, DGM) informed the U.S. Embassy in Kinshasa that effective September 25, 2013, the DGM suspended issuance of exit permits to adopted Congolese children seeking to depart the country with their adoptive parents.  The DGM reports the suspension will last up to 12 months.  This suspension is due to concerns over reports that children adopted from the Democratic Republic of the Congo may be either abused by adoptive families or adopted by a second set of parents once in their receiving countries. Read the full alert here:

September 2013: We are proud to introduce our new program in the Eastern European country of Bulgaria! Bulgaria is a very affordable and popular program and has become stable again after many years of work to improve its adoption program and services. Healthy children three years and older are available, and many special children with exceptional needs are also awaiting a family of their own. This is a very flexible program with broad adoptive parent criteria. Robin Shahan is program coordinator for Bulgaria and happy to speak with you about why this might be a good program for you. Contact Robin at

August 30, 2013: This adoption notice serves as a reminder of the implementation of the Pre-Adoption Immigration Review (PAIR) program in Ethiopia.  This notice also provides clarification to questions received regarding transition cases. 

On June 3, the Department of State published an adoption notice announcing that effective September 1, 2013, the Government of Ethiopia will require all adoption cases filed on behalf of U.S. prospective adoptive parents with the Ethiopian courts to undergo the U.S. PAIR process.  Please see the U.S. Department of State’s Ethiopia country information sheet and the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) policy memorandum for details. Read the full alert here:

August 2013: A Love Beyond Borders is pleased to welcome home 9 children from the DRC and 2 children from Haiti this month!

August 23, 2013: A Love Beyond Borders staff and 150 of our Colorado adoptive families gathered for our annual Adoptive Family Reunion, reuniting with old friends and welcoming home many new faces. Each year LBB hosts a picnic party with food and entertainment. It's a special treat for LBB employees from Washington and Maryland to travel to meet families face to face. We invite all our adoptive families from throughout the US and abroad to join us for this annual celebration of being adoptive families. Stay tuned for the 2014 summer date!

August 16, 2013: Kelly Carmody and Kareen Shapiro traveled to Colombia to receive the official authorization from ICBF allowing A Love Beyond Borders to be an adoption service provider in Colombia, and to continue work establishing the next Vacations of Hope program. Our focus is on placing children of all ages with special characteristic, healthy children 9 and older, sibling groups of two or more children. In addition to this traditional adoption program we will assist with placing Waiting Children and in 2014 look forward to hosting our first Vacations of Hope program in Colombia. Details to follow or contact Kareen Shapiro for additional information:

August 2013: Join us in welcoming our new employees, Kim Kirgis and Charmaine Nicolau to the Denver team! Kim has joined us as intake specialist responsible for ensuring applications and contracts are processed appropriately, and assisting home study families with their documentation. Charmaine joins LBB as an adoption associate working with the international team, communications and special events.

August 16, 2013: A Love Beyond Borders is on the move again!  We moved into a larger space just down the hall . Our phone, address and suite number will stay the same.  Come visit us and check out the new digs!

July 2013: We are pleased to welcome Rachael Dougherty, MSW to the Denver team as Post Placement Coordinator. Rachael will assist clients upon completion of their adoption with post placement scheduling and coordination, support and assist with the validation process for Colorado residents.

July 1, 2013: Colombia Update: The Colombian Institute for Family Welfare (ICBF) formally announced several important changes in Colombia’s management of intercountry adoptions.

Beginning July 15, 2013, ICBF will no longer accept new intercountry adoption applications from non-Colombian citizens living abroad interested in adopting a child under 6 years and 11 months old, unless ICBF considers the child to have special characteristics or needs.  Families who are considering adopting a healthy child in this age range should ensure that they have filed their initial application with ICBF no later than the July 15, 2013 deadline.  ICBF has indicated this moratorium will last at least two years. Read the full alert here:

June 3, 2013: Implementation of Pre-Adoption Immigration Review (PAIR) Program in Ethiopia

Effective September 1, 2013, the Government of Ethiopia will require all adoption cases filed on behalf of U.S. prospective adoptive parents with the Ethiopian courts to undergo the U.S. PAIR process. The Ministry of Women, Children and Youth Affairs (MOWCYA) will require a PAIR letter issued by U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) as one of the criterion for its best interest determination. To comply, the adoption dossier submitted by prospective adoptive parents to the Federal First Instance Court (FFIC) to initiate the adoption, will need to include the PAIR letter issued by USCIS. The FFIC will then forward the dossier, including the PAIR letter, to MOWCYA for review. The new criterion will not affect pending adoption cases filed with Ethiopian courts before September 1, 2013. Read the full alert here:

April 23, 2013:  Haiti authorizes US Adoption Service Providers and provides a list and details at:  A Love Beyond Borders is honored to be one of a few select agencies to qualify and receive approval.