Adoption Resources

Dr. Chaitra Wirta-Leiker, Beyond Words Psychological Therapy, 7950 S Lincoln St #111e, Littleton, CO 80122.  Trauma And Adoption Services For All Ages:  We all struggle at times, and asking for help can be hard. Searching for a competent and compassionate psychologist that you trust to provide that help can feel like a daunting task. Reviewing lists of providers, seeing pictures and descriptions…they can all start to look the same after awhile, leaving you feeling frustrated and overwhelmed…But if you’re looking for a great resource to help you before and after your adoption, take a deep breath. Remind yourself why you are seeking support, and trust your gut – take the time you need to find the psychologist you connect with enough to share your life.

A Guide to Adoption Subsidies and Assistance for Adoptive Parents

Adoption subsidies are an underutilized and often misunderstood resource for those who qualify for adoption assistance. The Adoption Advocate provides essential information and answers to frequently asked questions about adoption subsidies. Visit them HERE to learn about resources that may be available to you for your child. 

People who are interested in adopting are often worried about their ability to come up with the necessary funds for the adoption process. They may also wonder how they can afford the services required for a child with known medical, developmental, or other needs.

Adoption subsidies are now recognized as a critical support for maintaining permanency for some of the country’s most vulnerable children. These benefits are available to most children adopted in the U.S. from foster care and children with special needs adopted privately. In most cases, the benefits are available until the child reaches adulthood.

EMDR Institute Inc.

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) is a psychotherapy treatment that was originally designed to alleviate the distress associated with traumatic memories. The powerlessness and anxiety that occur when you are fearful of triggering memories of a traumatic experience can be devastating, and living in fear can cause paralyzing self-doubt, guilt, shame, loneliness, frustration, and depression. EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing) is a specialized from of trauma therapy that can help your brain rewrite the negative associations that have taken over since the trauma to rebuild your  sense of confidence, strength, trust, and safety.Providing an effective therapy for the treatment of trauma.

Adoption Airfare

Adoption Travel, International Missions Travel, Heritage Travel, Group Travel, and Orphan Care Travel. Agents at Adoption Airfare seek to hold your hand through every step of your Adoption Travel journey. We have special DISCOUNTED FLIGHTS with many of the major airlines, to provide discounted airfare for International Adoption Travel and Missions Travel. Let us at Adoption Airfare help you in taking the burden of booking flights off of your plate so that you can focus on the other aspects of your Adoption Travel and Missions Travel! We have the ability to hold flights with certain airlines for up to 11 months in advance in some cases, to help you in raising your support, sometimes even with no money down! We also specialize in GROUP TRAVEL, and we can also hold group space with the airlines for groups traveling to do any type of humanitarian or orphan care work internationally.


Heritage Camps for Adoptive Families  |
Heritage Camps for Adoptive Families serves as a post adoption resource and advocate for children and families with diverse heritages. HCAF accomplishes this by facilitating annual heritage camps, which provide culturally relevant and family-centered experiences for every member of the family. These camps provide an opportunity to share in a common experience that fulfills a sense of community and individual identity. “It is our hope that every adopted child will leave a heritage camp knowing more about who they are and where they came from, and that every member of the family will have a better awareness of and sense of pride in their adopted child's birth heritage.” The camps let children and families relish in being part of a larger group “just like themselves.”

Post Institute  |
Bryan Post is one of America’s foremost child behavior experts and founder of the Post Institute for Family-Centered Therapy. The Post Institute works with adults, children and families struggling with early life trauma and the impact on the development of the mind/body system. A renowned clinician, lecturer, and author, Bryan has traveled throughout the world providing expert treatment and consultation. An internationally recognized specialist in the treatment of emotional and behavioral disturbance, he specializes in a holistic family-based treatment approach that addresses the underlying interactive dynamics of the entire family.


Adoption Today Magazine  |
Your guide to the issues and answers surrounding International and domestic adoption. Written by adoptive parents, adoptees and professionals in the fields of medicine, law, education, social work, child development and International and domestic adoption.

Adoptive Families Magazine   |
Adoptive Families is the number one resource for families before, during and after adoption. It includes the latest adoption information and age-by-age parenting advice for adoptive parents.


Rainbow Kids  |
The Internet's central location for adoption information, international adoptions, special needs adoption, adoption articles and Waiting Child Photo listings.

Adoption Learning Partners  |
The goal of ALP is to complement the adoption information and resources provided by your adoption agency. Our online courses are interactive and openly and honestly discuss the joys and challenges of adoption. They are designed to help you make informed decisions whether you are preparing to adopt or already parenting adopted children.


PACT: An Adoption Alliance  |
Serving adopted children of color by providing not only adoptive placement but lifelong education, support, and community for adoptees and their families on matters of adoption and race.



The Ties Program |

Homeland tours to birth countries, orphanages and to meet biological family (when possible):

  • The Ties Program serves adoptive families from the United States, Canada, the UK, Europe and Australia.
  • We travel with adoptive family groups to Asia, Latin America, Eastern Europe & Russia, and will soon be traveling to Africa.
  • Via World Ties, our sister 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, we weave Project Kindness service projects into our programs, providing a way for interested families to “give back.”
  • Our staff is comprised of adoptees, adoptive parents, adoption professionals and insightful individuals touched by adoption.
  • Our adjunct staff is comprised of more than 50 dedicated people ready to share their experience to help families on this important journey. 

In short, the hallmark of The Ties Program is our ability to create an experience that allows you to travel with a community of adoptive families and trained professionals, and at the same time, have your individual family dreams and needs met.