Adoption Education Websites

Adoption Home Studies of Colorado suggests that you complement your adoption education program with additional reading and research.  There is much to learn and know to prepare you for adoption and parenting your child through the years. The websites listed below are excellent resources to supplement your adoption education program which you will complete in the homestudy process and prepare you for adoptive parenting.  Many placing agencies will require that you complete their specific education program. We suggest you complement their program with additional reading and research. Please consult with your social worker and the person coordinating your adoption, with any concerns or issues.

Access the HAGE GUIDE Learn about the protections offered by a Hague Convention Adoption Program vs Non-Hague in this guide from the National Council for Adoption

Adoption Learning Partners (ALP)

  • The vision of Adoption Learning Partners (ALP) is to make a positive measurable impact on adoption outcomes. We offer meaningful, timely, web-based educational adoption resources for professionals, parents, adopted individuals, and the families that love them.

Child Trauma Academy

  • CTA is a Community of Practice working to improve the lives of high-risk children through direct service, research and education. We recognize the crucial importance of childhood experience in shaping the health of the individual, and ultimately, society. By creating biologically-informed child and family respectful practice, programs and policy, CTA seeks to help maltreated and traumatized children.

National Child Traumatic Stress Network  -

  • MISSION is to raise the standard of care and improve access to services for traumatized children, their families and communities throughout the United States.

National Council For Adoption (NCFA)

  • The Intercountry Adoption Journey 2.0 - The National Council For Adoption (NCFA)'s 10-hour Hague-compliant intercountry adoption training program includes videos featuring adoption experts from the U.S. Department of State and other agencies. Founded in 1980, NCFA is a nonprofit organization that promotes a culture of adoption through education, research, and advocacy efforts. 

Attachment and Trauma Network -

  • At the Attachment & Trauma Network, it is their mission to promote healing of traumatized children and their families through support, education, and advocacy.

Boris Gindis Center – Post Adoption Learning Center

  • The Post Adoption Learning Center courses offer a practical guide for adoptive parents on how to handle special needs of a post-institutionalized older child adopted internationally. All online courses are interactive, and you can ask the instructor, a psychologist specializing in international adoption, questions related to the subject of the course.

NEUROFEEDBACK - National Resources

  • This advanced neurofeedback, also known as brain training technology, developed in part by, NASA-level engineers works by triggering what’s called the orienting response, which is the brain’s ability to sense change in the environment and take in new information about what is different.  Neurofeedback uses real-time displays of brain activity to teach the brain to self-regulate.  The brain then uses that data to adjust itself, in the same way that you might be inspired to fix an-out-of place lock of hair while looking in the mirror.  As the brain changes, the feedback changes.  Think of neurofeedback as a kind of learning for the brain.  The promise of neurofeedback is to shift our brain waves back to health without the use of drugs.  Client served include those suffering from attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, anxiety, anger, depression, etc.,


  • Brainspotting is a powerful, focused treatment method that works by identifying, processing and releasing core neurophysiological sources of emotional/body pain, trauma, dissociation and a variety of other challenging symptoms. Brainspotting is a simultaneous form of diagnosis and treatment, enhanced with Biolateral sound, which is deep, direct, and powerful yet focused and containing.


  • Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) is a psychotherapy treatment that was originally designed to alleviate the distress associated with traumatic memories. EMDR therapy facilitates the accessing and processing of traumatic memories and other adverse life experience to bring these to an adaptive resolution. After successful treatment with EMDR therapy, affective distress is relieved, negative beliefs are reformulated, and physiological arousal is reduced. 

Karyn Purvis Institute of Child Development TBRI Training for Parents (Trust Based Relationships)

  • Research conducted by the Karyn Purvis Institute of Child Development has expanded our understanding of the complex needs of children who have experienced abuse, neglect, and/or trauma. Current research studies aim to advance scientific knowledge regarding the impact of early maltreatment, as well as to develop trauma-informed interventions that encourage healthy social development.  All prospectivie adoptive parents are strongly encouraged to take this course (from the convenience of your home) which is a highly respected and effective training. Prospective adoptive parents who are adopting through A Love Beyond Borders are required to complete the eight hour online course prior to accepting referral. TBRI Online Education

Medical Encyclopedia -- If you're interested in learning more about a specific medical need, talk with your local expert or for basic information check out this medical encyclopedia: